Hi everyone!
I’ve really enjoyed getting to have phone calls and meet up’s with some of you this summer.
The summer affords extended time to be together as a staff team and to be with students. Our staff team has been meeting to discuss and plan ideas for next school year. A book we’re reading, called Between Two Worlds by John Stott has us thinking about how to share the good news in a way that really connects with our students and the questions that they are asking.
We’re also getting ready for UNT and TWU welcome weeks! Thousands of new students are moving to Denton in the next two weeks and we’re ready to meet as many as we can and invite them to know Jesus. Please be praying for the new students we will meet to be ready for friendship and open to Jesus, pray for our student leaders who will be volunteering their time to meet them and for our pastoral staff teams across DFW. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore pray for the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest field” Matthew 9:37-38.
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