January 2025

Hi guys! 

Thank you for opening my blog back up! Students came back for the Spring Semester a few weeks ago and we just had our Winter Retreat last weekend. We had 650 students show up! 

Our theme for the weekend was simply Following Jesus. We discussed what it means to walk closely with him, to allow Jesus to define our identity instead of the world,  and the sacrifices of true discipleship. One of our speakers shared a powerful image from Jesus’ day: the phrase  “May you be covered in the dust of your rabbi”.  This saying gives a picture of a disciple who follows their rabbi so closely that they get covered in the dust kicked up by their rabbi’s feet.  It gave us all a tangible picture of what it should look like to follow Jesus.   

I’ve already seen a shift after the retreat in some of the students. One of the girls I meet with weekly, after the retreat, has finally accepted Jesus’ forgiveness for her and is open to forgiving others. She also changed her work schedule so she can come to our fellowship nights this semester! Even small things like that are huge in people’s lives and make me so thankful to get to be a part of God’s work. 

Left: Meeting up with Kayla from my small group last year. Right some girls from NCTC. We dropped in to visit one of the girls at her job,

Some of my staff team
My small group at Winter Retreat 

The retreat is by the Dinosaur Valley State Park, so some of them stopped for a photo op. 

Thank you for reading and for your partnership! All of this would not be possible without donors like you. 

Much love,

