Hello! Here’s what’s been happening this month:
Our small group at NCTC has really grown in the past month. Last semester we consistently had about 4-5 people each week and we’ve had several more join this semester! We’ve been reading through 1 John covering topics like sacrificial love and discerning between messages from the world vs messages from God. I love these guys and am very excited to see them become a community at NCTC.

My small group :) We’re sending two of them, Glenda and Hosanna, to our annual student ministry conference, SICM (The Student Institute of Campus Ministry). Please pray as they are fundraising for the trip that God would provide for them to go.
We had a seminar on a biblical theology of money. We talked about how the Israelite calendar was marked by feasts and celebrations which God commanded for them to observe and that it is good for us to be extravagant at times to celebrate with each other. Some of the girls at TWU were inspired by that and had a picnic together.
Here’s a link to that section of the talk: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5LC8AaWMIbGIWyO52cTIiQ?si=kUZ3RoFRR0ipOfHuwXKPZQ
We celebrated Black History Month with a Gospel Choir!
Celebrating Chris’ birthday :)
We passed out coffee to students on campus to get them connected to our ministry! Not many people came by because it was so cold, but one person did and she ended up coming to our fellowship night!
Celebrating Jazmin’s birthday with our TWU small group!
Bumping into friends on campus
Thank you so much for reading and thank you for your prayers and support! You are an encouragement to me!
In Christ,
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